88 Supermarket
Wednesday Giveaway - Richmond Store Only

Starting from December 18, 2024 to January 29, 2025, every Wednesday, upon free registration as 88 Members (joining the 88 Membership at cashiers’ counter), Members can reward ONE CAD $5 Coupon upon spending of CAD $88 (before tax) in a single transaction.
On January 29, 2025, upon free registration as 88 Members , Members can reward ONE CAD $10 88 Kitchen Coupon upon spending of CAD $88 (before tax) in a single transaction.
Upon free registration as 88 Members and 88 Supermarket newsletter subscription, Members can reward ONE CAD $20 Gift Cards for every CAD $200 spent (before tax) in a single transaction. No limit of gift cards rewarded to each household.
For example:
- ONE CAD $20 Gift Card upon spending of CAD $200 (before tax) in a single transaction
- TWO CAD $20 Gift Card upon spending of CAD $400 (before tax) in a single transaction
- THREE CAD $20 Gift Card upon spending of CAD $600 (before tax) in a single transaction
Should there be any changes on the Wednesday Giveaway campaign, the version on the official website shall be final.
由2024 年 12 月 18 日至 2025 年 1 月 29 日,每逢星期三,88會員(可在收銀台免費登記成爲88會員),稅前消費滿 CAD $88,即可獲取 一張 CAD $5 現金券。
於2025 年 1 月 29 日,88會員稅前消費滿 CAD $88,加碼可獲取 一張 CAD $10 88小廚 現金券。
88會員訂閲88超市優惠郵件推送,稅前消費滿 CAD $200 可換領 一張 $20 禮品卡;稅前消費滿 CAD $400 可換領 兩張 CAD $20 禮品卡;稅前消費滿 CAD $600 可換領 三張 CAD $20 禮品卡,如此類推。每戶可獲的禮品卡數量不設上限。
Wednesday Giveaway Terms and Conditions
- This campaign is valid only at the 88 Supermarket Richmond Store.
- The campaign starts from December 18, 2024 to January 29, 2025, and will occur every Wednesday within the period.
- Customers are required to register as 88 Members (joining the 88 Membership at cashiers’ counter for free) to reward 88 Supermarket CAD $5 coupons.
- Customers are required to register as 88 Members (joining the 88 Membership at cashiers’ counter for free) and subscribe to the 88 Supermarket newsletter to reward 88 Supermarket CAD $20 gift cards.
- 88 members can reward ONE CAD $5 Coupon upon spending of CAD $88 (before tax) in a single transaction.
- 88 members who subscribed to 88 Supermarket newsletter, can reward ONE CAD $20 Gift Cards for every CAD $200 spent (before tax) in a single transaction. For example, spending CAD $400 (before tax) can reward TWO CAD $20 Gift Cards, while spending CAD $600 (before tax) can reward THREE CAD $20 Gift Cards, and so on. There is no limit to the number of gift cards awarded to each household.
- Each transaction can receive ONE CAD $5 Coupon only.
- All spending must be made in a single transaction. Receipts cannot be combined for this promotion.
- Purchases of gift cards will not be included in the total spending for this campaign.
- 88 Supermarket Ltd. reserves the right to modify or cancel this campaign at any time without prior notice.
- In case of any disputes, the decision of 88 Supermarket Ltd. shall be final.
- Terms and Conditions of “88 Supermarket CAD $5 coupon” (“the coupon”)
- The coupon is valid for CAD $5 off the total purchase for the future purchase.
- The coupon can only be used once at the 88 Supermarket Richmond Store.
- The coupon must be redeemed before the validation date printed on the coupon.
- Only one coupon can be used per transaction.
- After using the coupon, it will be collected and cannot be reused.
- No points will be given on coupon and gift card redemption.
- The coupon cannot be redeemed for cash.
- Members should refer to coupons for respective usage terms and details.
- Terms and Conditions of “88 Kitchen coupon” (“the Kitchen coupon”)
- The kitchen coupon is valid for the amount specified on it, applicable to total purchases at 88 Kitchen (Richmond Location only).
- The kitchen coupon can be used only when the purchase amount of 88 Kitchen items is equal to or greater than the coupon amount.
- The kitchen coupon can only be used once at the 88 Kitchen (Richmond Location).
- The kitchen coupon must be redeemed before the validation date printed on the coupon.
- Only one kitchen coupon can be used per transaction.
- After using the kitchen coupon, it will be collected and cannot be reused.
- No points will be given on kitchen coupon redemption.
- The kitchen coupon cannot be redeemed for cash.
- Members should refer to kitchen coupons for respective usage terms and details.
- Terms and Conditions of “88 Supermarket CAD $20 Gift Card Redemption Slip” (“the redemption slip”) and “88 Supermarket CAD $20 Gift Card” (“the gift card”)
- Customers who receive the redemption slip must go to the designated area in the Richmond Store to redeem the gift card(s) on the same day they receive the redemption slip.
- This slip can only be redeemed once at the Richmond Store.
- After using this slip, it will be collected and cannot be reused.
- This redemption slip is not valid as a CAD $20 gift card and/or cash redemption at the cashier counter.
- Members should refer to the gift card redemption slip for respective usage terms and details.
- The gift card can be used on future purchases at any 88 Supermarket locations.
- No points will be given on gift card redemption.
- The gift card cannot be redeemed for cash.
星期三大放送 條款及細則
- 此活動僅適用於88超級市場 列治文店。
- 此活動由2024年12月18日至2025年1月29日,並在活動期間的每個星期三進行。
- 顧客須成為88會員(可收銀台免費註冊成為88會員),以獲取88超市CAD $5 優惠券。
- 88會員須訂閲88超市優惠郵件推送,以獲取88超市 CAD $20 禮品卡。
- 88會員在單次交易中,稅前消費滿 CAD $88,即可獲取一張 88超市 CAD $5 現金券。
- 88會員訂閲88超市優惠郵件推送,在單次交易中,稅前消費滿 CAD $200,可換領一張 88超市 $20 禮品卡;稅前消費滿 CAD $400 可換領 兩張 CAD $20 禮品卡;稅前消費滿 CAD $600 可換領 三張 $20禮品卡,如此類推。每戶可獲的禮品卡數量不設上限。
- 每次交易僅可獲取一張 CAD $5 優惠券。
- 消費必須在單一交易中進行,無法合併收據。
- 購買禮品卡將不計入此活動的消費總額。
- 88 Supermarket Ltd. 保留隨時修改或取消此優惠條款的權利。
- 如有任何爭議,88 Supermarket Ltd. 將保留最終決定權。
- “88超市 CAD $5 優惠券”(“優惠券”)條款及細則
- 優惠券可在下次消費時,當作 CAD $5 使用。
- 優惠券僅適用於88超級市場 列治文店使用一次。
- 優惠券必須在優惠券上印刷的有效日期之前使用。
- 每次交易僅可使用一張優惠券。
- 優惠券使用後,該優惠券將被收回,無法重複使用。
- 優惠券使用時不會獲得任何88會員積分。
- 優惠券不可兌換為現金。
- 會員需參閲優惠券,以了解相關使用條款,一切以劵内詳列之細則爲準。
- “88小廚 現金券”(“現金券”)條款及細則
- 現金券可在88 Kitchen 88小廚 列治文店,當作現金券上印有的面值使用。
- 會員必須在88 Kitchen 88小廚消費等於或大於現金券面值,方可使用現金券。
- 現金券僅適用於88 Kitchen 88小廚 列治文店使用一次。
- 現金券必須在現金券上印刷的有效日期之前使用。
- 每次交易僅可使用一張現金券。
- 現金券使用後,該現金券將被收回,無法重複使用。
- 使用現金券時,現金券的使用面值不會獲得任何88會員積分。
- 現金券不可兌換為現金。
- 會員需參閲現金券,以了解相關使用條款,一切以劵内詳列之細則爲準。
- “88超市 CAD $20 禮品卡兌換單”(“兌換單”) 及 “88超市 CAD $20 禮品卡”(“優惠券”)條款及細則
- 持兌換單的顧客必須在獲取兌換單的同一天,前往店內指定區域兌換禮品卡。
- 兌換單僅適用於88超級市場 列治文店兌換一次。
- 兌換單使用後,該兌換單將被收回,無法重複使用。
- 兌換單不能作爲 $20 禮品卡或任何現金兌換使用。
- 會員需參閲兌換單,以了解相關使用條款,一切以劵内詳列之細則爲準。
- 88超市 CAD $20 禮品卡適用於任何一間88超市使用。
- 禮品卡兌換時不會獲得任何88會員積分。
- 禮品卡不可兌換現金。